- affluent society
- "общество изобилия"
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affluent society — noun A society in which the ordinary person can afford many things once regarded as luxuries • • • Main Entry: ↑affluent * * * affluent society, a society with an abundant supply and consumption of luxury products a services: »Motor cars, now… … Useful english dictionary
affluent society — af·flu·ent so·cie·ty loc.s.f.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS econ., sociol. → società opulenta {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1965. ETIMO: comp. di affluent ricco e society società … Dizionario italiano
affluent society — elite, upper classes, high society … English contemporary dictionary
affluent society — /ˌæfluənt sə saɪəti/ noun a type of society where most people are rich … Marketing dictionary in english
affluent society — /ˌæfluənt sə saɪəti/ noun a type of society where most people are rich … Dictionary of banking and finance
affluent society — See embourgeoisement … Dictionary of sociology
Original affluent society — The original affluent society is a theory postulating that hunter gatherers were the original affluent society. This theory was first articulated by Marshall Sahlins at a symposium entitled Man the Hunter held in Chicago in 1966. The significance … Wikipedia
The Affluent Society — is a 1958 book by Harvard economist John Kenneth Galbraith. The book sought to clearly outline the manner in which the post World War II America was becoming wealthy in the private sector but remained poor in the public sector, lacking social and … Wikipedia
affluent — af‧flu‧ent [ˈæfluənt] adjective having plenty of money, a nice house, expensive things etc : • The students mainly come from affluent families. • The town is located in a relatively affluent area, with the average income 15% above the national… … Financial and business terms
affluent — [af′lo͞o ənt; ] occas. [ a flo͞o′ənt] adj. [ME < L affluens, prp. of affluere: see AFFLUENCE] 1. flowing freely 2. plentiful; abundant 3. wealthy; prosperous; rich [the affluent society] n. 1. a tributary stream: opposed to … English World dictionary
society — noun 1 people who have shared customs and laws ADJECTIVE ▪ larger, wider ▪ the position of women within the family and the wider society ▪ entire, whole ▪ An entire society has been co … Collocations dictionary